The Institute is engaged in various other activities which can be termed as logical extensions of its right based gender oriented development approach aimed for the upliftment of the women, children and underprivileged sections of the society. Some of the other programmes of the Institute are:
Family Counselling Centres
Since the year 1987, the Institute runs two Family Counselling Centres (FCC) in Kolkata for looking into the cases of marital discord, violence against women and trafficking. Identifying the causes of disharmony and violent behaviour and exploring ways of grievance redressal in individual cases for peaceful rehabilitation within the existing family structure are normally aimed at achieving. There have a number of successful case studies where it has been seen that following the intervention of the counsellors of JPISC, survivors of trafficking could be reintegrated with the family or cases of marital discords and gender violence have been settled amicably.
The Institute has been instrumental in operating the CHILDLINE, a 24 hour free phone (1098) emergency outreach service for the socially distressed children who are in need of immediate help. Through CHILDLINE (a project of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India), the Institute has been engaged in inducting within the local network various stakeholders involved in child rights like the Govt. agencies, the NGOS, the grass root level democratic institutions, the informal power structures and also sensitizing the associated systems (like the police, people's representatives, hospitals, field workers and other employees) with these issues for ensuring prompt action. The Institute functions as a nodal organization of CHILDLINE in the district of Paschim Medinipur.
The Institute runs Women's Helpline, a 24 hour free phone (10922) emergency outreach service for the women in distress (a project of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India). The Helpline operates from the Institute's shelter home in 24 Parganas (N). The Institute is engaged in popularizing this Helpline through IEC campaigns, sensitization programme amongst the police, the opinion leaders, the field workers of various NGOs. It has been able to forge an effective network of Government and non-Government organizations, law enforcing agents, urban local bodies and rural people's institutions on the issue of rescue of survivors of trafficking and violence and other women in destitution. The institute has rescued and rehabilitated a number of women in distress with the active cooperation other stakeholders.
Creche Centres
The Institute runs twelve creche centres for the children of the underprivileged in various parts of West Bengal. The programme is sponsored by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Govt. of India.
Day Care Centre For The Aged
The Institute runs Day Care Centre for the physically and psychologically infirm and also those live at the edge of penury. This centre is run at Birbhum and is supported by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.
Research Experience on other Social Issues
Feasibility study on Alternative Livelihoods (Electro steel Castings, Ltd), 2001.
The Beneficiary Oriented Evaluation Study of Family Counselling Centres supported by the Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi,2002.
Livelihoods Assessment and Trust Building measures (International Finance Corporation project), 2002-03.
Link road partnership at Sarshatali coal mining project. (ICML, CESC supported by BPD, London), 2003 .
A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in Child Domestic Work supported by Save the Children, 2004.
Case Studies on Child Domestic Workers supported by Save the Children, 2004.
Need-Gap Analysis on Vocational Training In Kolkata Slums supported by Don Bosco, Liluah, 2005.
Impact Assessment of Awareness Generation Projects in West Bengal supported by the Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi,2006.
Social mapping on Resettlement & Rehabilitation at village Chamarpara, Barabani supported by Integrated Coal Mining Ltd, 2007.
Evaluation of The Scheme For Prevention of Alcoholism And Substance (Drugs) Abuse In The States of West Bengal, Bihar And Orissa supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India, 2007.
Study on Monitoring of Scholastic performance of under privileged children in formal schools supported by Action Aid, 2007.
Social Mapping of Resettlement and Rehabilitation activities in project affected areas in Barabani, Burdwan (ICML, CESC, supported by BPD, London), 2008.
Research Study on ‘Problems of Beggary in Major Cities/Towns in West Bengal (MSJE, GoI),2009