The Institute is recognized as a leading research organization of eastern and north-eastern India. It regularly undertakes various consultancy projects for Government, donor agencies and NGOs. The primary objective of the Institute's research studies is to generate a credible database of information aided by various statistical and participatory tools which would act as inputs for framing future policy matters and designing development archetypes. This would facilitate the 'change factors' for creation of a 'no-poverty non-affluence society' as envisaged by the founders of the Institute.
The core competence of the organization lies in research design, data collection and analysis, application of participatory techniques, usage of qualitative and quantitative tools etc. A number of doctorate and post-graduate professionals are involved in the research projects of the Institute. Being an educational institute, a key strength of the Institute are the MSW students of Vidyasagar School of Social Work are also involved in data collection, validation and collation. There is a full fledged computer laboratory in the Institute for electronic processing of data.
Some of the important research projects of the Institute are
Right Based Programmes
Onsite Technical Support to Competent Authorities of the Juvenile Justice System in Assam supported by UNICEF & Govt. of Assam (2009)
National Study On Child Protection In Ten States of India supported by CHILDLINE (2009). The Institute was engaged in conducting the study in West Bengal.
Situation Analysis Of Children In North 24-Pargana Dist, West Bengal (Needs Assessment Study For Launching Childline Services) supported by CHILDLINE (2009)
The Study on Availability of Basic Services to the Children Of Commercial Sex Workers in Redlight Areas of Kolkata supported by UNICEF & Govt. of West Bengal (2008)
Situation Analysis of the Missing Children at Sandeshkhali I & II and Patharpratima of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal (2008) supported by Save the Children (India) (2008)
Status of Implementation of Juvenile Justice System in West Bengal supported by UNICEF (2007-08)
Status of Implementation of Juvenile Justice System in Assam supported by UNICEF (2007)
Access to Basic Support Services (Health & Education) of the kids & young adults in selected Kolkata slums supported by CINI-ASHA (2007)
Situation Analysis of Trafficking in North Bengal supported by CINI-ASHA (2006-07)
Situation Analysis of Education and Health Status of the Street / Slum Dwellers in selected slums of Howrah supported by Calcutta Kids (2005)
Situation analysis on Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation & Trafficking in Shelter Homes & Red Light Area supported by Save the Children (Sweden Denmark) (2006)
Perception study on child domestic workers involving the parents, Panchayat, community in Midnapore (E), West Bengal supported by Save the Children (UK) (2004)
Poverty, Livelihood & Development
Study On Situation Of Widows In Religious Places of West Bengal Assam supported by Ministry of Women & Child Development,Govt. Of India (2009)
Situation Analysis of Jute Growers in West Bengal supported by National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology(2008-09)
Situational Analysis Of Education And Health Status Of The Street And Slum Children In Kolkata And Howrah Municipal Corporation supported   by Hope Foundation (Ireland) (2008)
Need-gap Analysis of women slum dwellers of Kolkata & mapping of NGOs working in the field of vocational training for deprived women in the slums of Kolkata & Howrah supported by Don Bosco Self Employment Resource Institute (2004)
Skill survey on alternative livelihoods options for Income Augmentation of Mothers of Child Domestic Workers in Midnapore (E) West Bengal supported by Save The Children (UK) (2004)
Study of the women vendors and their contribution to the urban informal sector in the city of Kolkata and Siliguri, supported by WCD, MHRD, Government of India (2002-03)
Livelihoods Assessment and Trust building Measures through tri sector partnerships in the extractive industries at Sarshatali Coal Mining Project, West Bengal supported by International Financial Corpn. (2001-02)
Beneficiary Assessment Study of World Bank aided National Sericulture Project in West Bengal supported by World Bank (1994-96).
Baseline Studies
Baseline Survey on the socio-economic status of the juveniles in Kolkata slums supported by Hope Foundation (2008)
Baseline survey to document the socio-economic situation prevailing in 30 villages of Midnapore (E) in the context of trafficking for child domestic work supported by Save the Children (UK) (2003-04)
Developing Monitoring Framework for measuring the scholastic performance of first generation learners in Kolkata slums supported by Action Aid (2006-07)
Monitoring the scholastic performance of the children of Kolkata Municipal Corporation area supported by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2004)
Perception study on Village Education Committees (VEC) involving the Panchayat, schools, parents and the community in West Bengal supported by West Bengal Education Network (2004)
Decentralization & Governance
People's participation in grass-root level planning and NGO-Panchayat interface towards strengthening decentralization (consultancy project) supported by Ministry of Panchayat & Rural Development, Government of India(2003-04)
Reserch, Training, Monitering & Evolution
The Institute conducts research and survey work on human trafficking, child protection, juvenile justice, livelihoods issues, migration, poverty analysis, and on various social problems like urban informal sector, dowry, child marriage, age care, and various facets of violence against women etc. with support from the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Ministry of Rural Development, UNICEF, ICSSR, NIPCCD etc. The Institute also conducted quite a few evaluations and action research on various issues like child labour including domestic labour, rehabilitation of traffic victims, legal response to traffic victims, children of commercial sex workers etc sponsored by Unicef, Tdh, Irish Aid, Save the Children and many other govt. and International aid organizations. The Institute functioned as the nodal agency for monitoring of the schemes funded by the Central Social Welfare Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The Institute organizes training and capacity building activities for the functionaries of govt. and non-govt social development organization mainly in the areas of laws protecting children’s rights, counseling, minimum standards of care, case management, individual care plan, non-institutional care, components of ICPS etc.
The Institute has proven experience in the following fields of activities:
Social survey and research.
Quantitative & qualitative analysis including usage of PRA and case tools.
Monitoring, evaluation and training.
Child Protection, Juvenile Justice System and Human Trafficking.
Stakeholder analysis, livelihoods analysis.
Expertise in child rights legislation and gender issues.
Formulating research design, data management .
Reporting and documentation.
Social Work Education.
Livelihoods analysis .