Training of Govt./NGO Functionaries on Social Defense
The Institute in collaboration with the National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi organized the training on Social Defence during 25-27 April, 2008 at Kolkata for the Government and NGO functionaries who are active in the field of child protection and development to have a thread bare discussion on the care, protection and rehabilitation of the street children.
Training of Govt./NGO Functionaries on Children Affected and Infected by HIV/AIDS
The Institute in collaboration with the National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi organized the training for the functionaries of NGOs & Government on children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS during 6-8 May, 2008 at Kolkata. The broad goal of the programme was to develop the capacity of the Government and NGO functionaries on modern methods and techniques of combating the affected and infected by HIV/AIDS.
Training of Govt./NGO Functionaries on Available Schemes and Programmes for Working Children
National Institute of Social Defence in collaboration with JPISC organized the training during 15-17 May 2008 for the functionaries of NGOs & Government who are active in the field of child protection and development to have a thread bare discussion on the care, protection and rehabilitation of the vulnerable children and to explore the relevance of socio-psychological therapies for their moral, physical and social development.
Training of Govt./NGO Functionaries on Children Affected By Drug Abuse
The Institute in collaboration with the National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi organized the training for the functionaries of NGOs & Government on children affected by drug abuse during 16-18 February, 2009 at Kolkata. The broad goal of the programme was to develop the capacity of the Government and NGO functionaries on modern methods and techniques of combating the abuse affected by drugs.